Nurse's Brochure

Hello, My name is Becky Weiss.
My nursing responsibilities include:
-Physical and emotional assessment of students and staff as needed.
-Referring students to guidance counselor as needed.
-Encouraging MD evaluation as needed.
-Administration of care for medically fragile children.
-Administration of medication as needed or scheduled.
-Diabetic testing and insulin administration.
-Emergency care for illnesses and injuries
-Management of communicable diseases.
-Immunization assessments and referrals.
-Assist school health nurse coordinator with health screenings.
-Monitoring of weight and Vital signs of staff and students per parent/MD request.
-Continuing Health Education for students and staff.
-Outreach and referral for those students who are eligible to be enrolled in Medicaid and FAMIS.
All medications, prescription or over the counter
must be delivered to
school by parents/guardian, or other designated
adults. Some parents
continue to send medication to school with students.
This medication
cannot be administered until parent/guardian comes to the school and
verifies signature on permission form. Students who bring medication to
school are subject to be disciplined according to policy.
Cough drops and throat lozenges are not considered medication and
students may carry them.
encourage you to be proactive in staying healthy. Any time that you
exposed to a large group of people your risk of getting sick increases.
Your best defense against germs that cause illness is to practice
and proper hand washing. You should wet your hands, lather well
with soap and water and using friction wash @ least 15-20 seconds,
rinse well, and dry well. Follow a healthy diet and exercise plan. Drink
@ least 64 oz. of water daily.
Please visit these websites to view great videos: Short, funny, and to
the point:
**Preventative Measures againest H1N1:**
Proper and frequent handwashing is a must especially before meals and after using the bathroom.
Keep your hands away from your eyes, nose and mouth.
If you have a temperature greater than 100 degrees accompanied by cough, sore throat, head ache, body aches, and sometimes nasea and vomiting telephone your Physician.